
10月, 2022の投稿を表示しています

100 Civil Society Organizations and 32 U.S. Elected State and Local Official Join the Letter of Request/100の市民社会団体、32名の米国州議会議員や自治体議員らが辺野古新基地建設反対の書簡に賛同

日本語のプレスリリースは下にあります。               October 19, 2022  PRESS RELEASE  Stop Henoko! Close Futenma!: 100 civil society organizations and 32 U.S. elected officials join the Letter of Request to U.S. Congress members   Critical momentum has been building up in the civil society's movement against the Japanese and U.S. government's plans to build a U.S. military base at Henoko-Oura Bay, Okinawa, Japan. As of October 19, 100 civil society groups and organizations and 32 U.S. elected officials at state and municipal levels have joined our Letter of Request to U.S. Congress members. We expect that more organizations and elected officials will join the Letter. Sit-in protest and blokade under Okinawa's Autumn Sky  at the Gate of Capm Schwab (Sep. 22, 2022) The Letter urges the U.S. federal legislators to take the initiative to stop the base construction at Henoko-Oura Bay and close the dangerous U.S. Futenma Air Station for which the Henok...