World Heritage Watch Report 2022 Gains Media's Attention and Its Special Meanings to Okinawa/ WHW Reports 2022にメディアが注目、沖縄にとっての意義とは
Media's Attention to the World Heritage Watch Report 2022 (日本語は下にあります) On November 8, 2022, the World Heritage Watch Report 2022 made the headline of The Ryukyu Shimpo , a leading newspaper in Okinawa, Japan. Our report, “The Northern Part of Okinawa Island under the Impact of the U.S. Military’s Northern Training Area,” is introduced in an article by The Ryukyu Shimpo reporter Shugo Asato. The 47 NEWS , a newsfeed network based in mainland Japan, has picked up and distributed the Shimpo article. Image Source: The Ryukyu Shimpo The Ryukyu Shimpo also ran an editorial explaining the context in which our report was produced. It calls for cleaning up the U.S. military’s waste in the World Heritage site and stopping environmentally damaging military exercises and the Henoko base construction. The Ryukyu Broadcasting Corporation (RBC) also aired a news report on the WHW Report 2022 , showing an interview clip of Akino Miyagi, one of the authors o...