About the project

The Okinawa Environmental Justice Project is an Okinawa-based, applied anthropology project aiming to protect the environment and communities of Okinawa from the overwhelming presence of U.S. military bases on Okinawa's islands. As our motto "connecting the green dots" indicates, we reach out and work with local and global environmental organizations and institutions to protect the precious environment and communities of Okinawa.

Currently, OEJP focuses on two U.S. military projects/activities. One is the construction of a U.S. military airbase at Henoko-Oura Bay in northern Okinawa Island. The other is the development of landing zones for military aircraft and training in the U.S. military's Northern Training Area in the Yambaru forest in the northern Okinawa Island.

OEJP examines whether these military activities/projects comply with environmental and other laws, conventions, international guidelines, and agreements. We analyze their plans and implementations and policies behind them and carry out interviews with government officials and local communities. We make suggestions and recommendations to the U.S. and Japanese governments and relevant international agencies and institutions and encourage them to take action.

OEJP uses this blog, academic journals, and other media outlets to inform the public of our research and advocacy activities. 

OEJP's Director, Hideki Yoshikawa, talks to representatives of the U.S. Advisory Council on Historic Preservation in 2015


World Heritage Watch Report 2024が発行 世界自然遺産やんばるの森と米軍北部訓練場

プレス・リリース:オランダ軍、英国軍へ情報公開請求 世界自然遺産やんばるの森と米軍北部訓練場