Stop Henoko and Close Futenma: 87 Organizations Send a Letter of Request to U.S. Congress/辺野古は中止、普天間は閉鎖を:87団体が連邦議会へ書簡を送付


On September 7, 2022, 87 groups and organizations from Okinawa, Japan, and beyond sent a letter of request to 32 legislators selected from the U.S. Senate and House Armed Service Committees. The Letter asks the legislators to take the initiative to stop the military base construction in Henoko-Oura Bay, close the dangerous U.S. Futenma Air Station in Ginowan City, and draw up a new realignment plan. 

Encouragingly, The Intercept has published an article, which discusses the Letter in some detail and the increasingly tense East Asian context in which the Letter was created and sent. The 15 page Letter is embedded in the article!

The Letter supports and provides complementary information to Okinawa Governor Denny Tamaki’s decision to disapprove the Japanese government’s application for seafloor reinforcement work, which would be necessary for the Japanese government to continue the military base construction. 

It highlights the Japanese government’s misleading information on the feasibility of the Henoko project and the impact of base construction on the environment. It underscores the dangers of the U.S. Marine Corps Futenma Air Station on residents and communities around the base. Above all, it challenges the Japanese government’s insistence that “Henoko is the only solution to solve the Futenma’s dangerous situation.”

These 32 Congressional members were selected based on their membership in other Congressional committees, task forces (e.g., PFOA/PFOS Task Force), and causes (e.g., Oceans, Quiet Skies), as well as their voting records according to the 2021 National Environmental Scorecard of the League of Conservation Voters

The 87 groups/organizations that have joined the Letter are from the diverse fields of peace, environment, labor, and human rights. The groups/organizations include influential U.S. organizations such as COEDPINK, Asian Pacific Americans labor Alliance, World BEYOND War, Democratic Socialists of America International Committee, and the Center for Biological Diversity.

The number of signers to the Letter reflects and signifies the collaboration we have nurtured for the last 20 years and the increasing awareness of the issues in international civil society. 


We believe this Letter of Request is informative and convincing enough for the legislators to take proper action. We encourage civil society members, especially those in the U.S.,  to read it and request your senators and representatives to take action!  

Hideki Yoshikawa

Okinawa Environmental Justice Project

The Letter of Request

(As the Letter previously uploaded did not include Ramser Network Japan as a signer, the necessary corrections have been made. Please use this version of the Letter).

List of Senators and House Representatives


202297日、沖縄・日本、海外の87の市民社会グループ/団体が、米国連邦議会上院・下院の軍事委員会議員32名へ書簡を送付しました (沖縄・日本から52グループ/団体、海外から35グループ/団体です)。書簡は、辺野古新基地建設の中止、普天間飛行場の閉鎖、そして新たな負担軽減のための再編計画を求めています。

心強いことに、米国の調査報道メデイアのThe Interceptが、書簡の内容を詳しく説明し、この書簡が作成・送付された背景を説明する記事を掲載しています。そしてなんと15ページの書簡を記事中に組み込んでくれています。


名の軍事委員会の議員は、軍事の問題に加えて、他の委員会や会派にも属し、環境保護、海洋保護区の設置、航空機騒音の問題、PFOA/PFOSの問題に取り組んでいる議員です。またThe League of Conservation Votersが環境法案への投票行動を高く評価している議員たちです。

それから、87の民社会グループ/団体は、平和、環境、労働、人権という多様な分野に属しています。米国における影響力をもつCOEDPINK, Asian Pacific Americans labor Alliance, World BEYOND War, Democratic Socialists of America International Committee, Center for Biological Diversityも含まれます。短期間ながらも集まったこの87という数字は、私たちの辺野古と普天間の問題への20年以上にも及ぶ取り組みを通して育んできた連帯の確かさと、同問題への国際市民社会の関心の高まりを反映していると思います。


Okinawa Environmental Justice Project






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