Review Henoko Plan!: 33 Civil Groups Send a Statement regarding US National Defense Authorization Act for FY 2020

"Henoko Blue" at Henoko-Oura Bay:
Henoko Blue  is one of the 33 groups that sent a statement to U.S. Congress
On September 13, thirty-three civil society groups from Okinawa, Japan, and the U.S. sent the members of both U.S. Senate and House Committees on Armed Services an endorsement statement for Section 1255 of the Senate version of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2020 (S. 1790). See our statement below.

Tilted as "Report on Distributed Lay-down of United States Forces in the Indo-Pacific Region," Section 1255 requests the DoD "to conduct a review of the planned distribution of members of the United States Armed Forces in Okinawa, Guam, Hawaii, Australia, and elsewhere (distributed lay-down)."

This call for review is critical and timely for the peoples of the Pacific Region, especially for those of us living Okinawa, Japan. We argue in our statement, the Henoko Plan, the linchpin of the "distributed lay-down," has been beset with many problems.

The Plan is against the democratic voice of the people of Okinawa; it is destroying a critical place for natural conservation; it faces civil engineering predicaments; it faces lawsuits; it is a diplomatic liability.  In other words, it defies the principles of democracy, the rule of law, and the protection of nature.

As of November 1, the NDAA Conference Committee is trying to resolve the differences between the Senate and the House versions of the NDAA for FY 2020. It is not clear whether Section 1255 will be retained or not.  (You can follow the update of the NDAA FY2020 by clicking this site. )

Nonetheless, we believe that it is crucial for us to keep presenting our arguments to the U.S. government and the international community in the hope that they could reach those who have the power to review the Henoko Plan.


World Heritage Watch Report 2024が発行 世界自然遺産やんばるの森と米軍北部訓練場

プレス・リリース:オランダ軍、英国軍へ情報公開請求 世界自然遺産やんばるの森と米軍北部訓練場