Okinawa Prefectural Government Latest Report: Dugong Feeding Trails found off Northern Okinawa Island /沖縄県の最新ジュゴン報告書:沖縄本島北部でジュゴンの食み跡を確認


Okinawa Prefectural Government Latest Report: Dugong Feeding Trails found off Northern Okinawa Island /沖縄県の最新報告書:沖縄本島北部でジュゴンの食み跡確認

Red rectangles indicate that dugong feeding trails were found.
Geen rectangles indicate no dugong feeding trails were found.
Image Source: Okinawa Prefectural Government   

First, dugong feeding trails were found near Yagaji Island and Kouri Island in July 2020 and off Izena Island in July and October 2020. These results correspond to the findings presented in the Japanese Ministry of the Environment's latest dugong report (2021).

This is a much-awaited confirmation. Dugongs(we don't know how many) are surviving in the waters of northern Okinawa Island, and the shallow waters around Yagaji Island and Kouri Island remain a crucial habitat for the dugong. 

Second, the environment department expanded its survey efforts in the fiscal year 2020 by incorporating the drone survey and E-DNA methods, which the IUCN Sirenian Specialist Group recommended in December 2019. This is an example of international collaboration. The drone surveys led to the discovery of dugong feeding trails in the Yagaji area, while the E-DNA tests did not detect the presence of dugong in the waters (good luck next time). 

The department's multi-method approach appears effective in surveying the surviving and illusive Okinawa dugongs. And the department has been gaining valuable knowledge regarding the strengths and limitations of each method.

Drone Survey
Image Source: Okinawa Prefectural Government

Finally, the report has this not-so-encouraging information. The environment department could not find any signs of dugongs in the waters off the east coast of northern Okinawa Island. This is in sharp contrast to the situation until a few years ago where dugongs and their feeding trails would be spotted in this area without much difficulty during surveys. 

What has changed in the last few years?  Nothing, except that, in December 2018, the Japanese Defense Ministry started landfill work for base construction at Henoko-Oura Bay, and it continues landfill work, ignoring the overwhelming oppositon from the people of Okinawa. 

The ugly reclaimed land, though still less than half-filled, now sits in Henoko's shallow waters, once a sure site to find dugong feeding trails. According to the Ryukyu Shimpo, as of May 1, 2021, about 6% of the planned amount of earth and soil has been thrown in Henoko.  In Oura Bay, a large barge ship and other ships stay near the construction site although they do not appear to engage in much construction activitiy.   
Landfilled area at Henoko
Image Source: Okinawa Drone Project

The Japanese Ministry of Defense has refused and coninues to refuse to acknowledge that base construction at Henoko-Oura Bay has impacted the dugong, corals, and other organisms.  Why? If they acknowledged, they would have to stop construction work and review the base construction plan.

Okinawa Governor Denny Tamaki is expected to reject the Okinawa Defense Bureau/Ministry of Defense's application for changes in construction design and work within a month or so. Besides the issues of extremely fragile seafloor on the construction site in Oura Bay and the seafloor reinforcement work required, the issues of the survival of the Okinawa dugong will also be part of the reasons for rejection.   

We hope the environment department's new report can support the Governor and Okinawa's fight against base construction and conservation of the dugong and the Environment.

Stay tuned; more dugong stories are coming up!

この4月沖縄県環境部は、沖縄本島を中心としたジュゴンの生息状況や保全の取り組みに関わる最新の報告書「令和2年度 ジュゴン保護対策事業 報告書」(2021)を公開した。


Image Source: 沖縄県



嬉しい情報の二つ目は、2020年度の調査にあたって県環境部が新たにドローンを使った調査や環境DNAの調査を導入したこと。これは2019年12月にIUCNの海牛類専門家グループの「調査計画」の提案を反映させたもので、県とiUCNの連携が形になったといってもいいだろう。ドローンによる調査は屋我地島海域での食み跡の確認へとつながっている。一方、環境DNA調査はジュゴンのDNAを確認することはできていない。(次回にGood Luck!)


Image Source: 沖縄県


ここ数年で沖縄本島北部東海岸で何が変わったのか? 2018年12月に辺野古・大浦湾で米軍基地建設のための埋め立て工事が始まり、基地建設反対の県民の声を無視し現在も強行されている、という以外は何も変わっていない。以前ジュゴンお食み跡が確認された辺野古側の浅瀬には、量半分土砂が入った埋め立て地が出現している。琉球新報によると、2021年5月1日の時点で、埋め立てに予定している土砂全体の6%が海に放り込まれているという。一方、大浦湾側には巨大台船や作業船が見られるが、埋め立て作業が行われている気配はない。

Image Source: 沖縄ドローンプロジェクト





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