Police House Raid on an Entomologist and World Heritage Inscription of Yambaru Forest 警察による蝶研究者の家宅捜査、そしてやんばるの森の世界遺産登録 

Police House Raid: Intimidation and Human Rights Violation (日本語文は下にあります)
On June 4, 2021, the Okinawa Prefectural Police raided the house of Akino Miyagi, an entomologist with deep knowledge of the Yambaru forest. The raid was appalling and inexcusable. It is a form of intimidation and human rights violation by the Police.

"SOS" written with discarded military materials in the Yambaru Forest
Image Source: Akino Miyagi's Facebook

We hope that the media take every step to find out who was behind the police action and reveal and tell the whole story. 

Sadly though, the Okinawa Prefectural Government and the Environment Ministry have remained silent so far for whatever reasons. 

This incident is a reminder of the complex relationship in motion between the militarized reality of Okinawa, its resilient natural Environment, the colonializing and colonized attitudes of the central and local governments, and those who fight for the protection of the Environment and refuse the further militarization of the islands. It deserves more critical attention at the domestic and international levels.  

Hesitant Heritage?
Many people have questioned whether the police house raid on Akino-san is somehow connected to the fact that the Yambaru forest, along with Amami-Oshima, Tokunoshima, and Iriotomote, will be examined for UNESCO World Heritage (WH) inscription at the UNESCO World Heritage (WH) Committee meeting in China next month. Some have also wondered whether this could bring about unwanted consequences. While these are understandable questions, it is just hard to find any answers to them at this point.

The World Heritage Programme of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) has recommended that the UNESCO WH Committee inscribe them as WH sties. IUCN's current recommendations came three years after IUCN "deferred" the Japanese Ministry of the Environment's first inscription attempt in June 2018. The Environment Ministry revised and submitted its second application to IUCN in January 2019. The various issues of the Northern Training Area (NTA), hardly mentioned in its first application, were addressed in its second application. 

However, the IUCN World Heritage Programme's Evaluations released on June 4 mention the issue of the Yambaru forest and the NTA simply as follows.

"However, there is an anomaly in the configuration of the Okinawa component part of the nominated property, with a long strip of the JWTC (or NTA) protruding into the nominated property, but not included in it." (p. 7-8)

There is no mention of how the discarded military materials should be disposed of and how the impacts of military training on the Environment should be reduced and monitored.  This is despite that local residents and NGOs had requested the IUCN WH Programme to address these critical issues in its Evaluations and Recommendations.

We need to seek explanations from both the IUCN WH Programme and the Environment Ministry why there was no mention of these issues in the Evaluations and Recommendations and how they discussed them and what outcomes such discussion had produced and in what form. After reviewing their explanations, OEJP will decide what action to take next.

OEJP’s Stance
Regarding the Akino-san incident in relation to the World Heritage inscription of the Yambaru forest, OEJP's stance is clear.  

For the Yambaru forest to be a UNESCO World Heritage site, the forest needs more people like Akino-san, who can tell the values of the forest, inform the public and the IUCN and UNESCO of the actual condition of the Yambaru forest, and fight for its protection.  

The Okinawa civil society has the responsibility to work with IUCN and UNESCO to counteract and complement the shortcomings of the Japanese government, the Okinawa prefectural government, and the U.S. military to keep the Yambaru forest worthy of being a WH site. 

A World Natural Heritage without military training and facilities: that's what the Yambaru forest should aim for.

家宅捜査 威嚇と人権侵害


Image Source: 宮城秋乃Facebook






"However, there is an anomaly in the configuration of the Okinawa component part of the nominated property, with a long strip of the JWTC (or NTA) protruding into the nominated property, but not included in it." (p.7-8)









World Heritage Watch Report 2024が発行 世界自然遺産やんばるの森と米軍北部訓練場

プレス・リリース:オランダ軍、英国軍へ情報公開請求 世界自然遺産やんばるの森と米軍北部訓練場