やんばるの森の世界遺産登録についての声明/OEJP's Statement on UNESCO's Decision to Inscribe the Yambaru Forest to UNESCO World Heritage List
The original English version is below the Japanese translation.
2021年7月26日、ユネスコ世界遺産委員会は、沖縄本島北部 (やんばるの森)を、奄美大島、徳之島、西表島とともに世界遺産に登録した。Okinawa Environmental Justice Projectは、このユネスコの判断を、歓迎、遺憾、そして新たな決意をもって受け止めている。
English Version (Original)
On July 26, 2021, the UNESCO World Heritage Committee inscribed the Northern Part of Okinawa Island (Yambaru forest), along with Amami-Oshima Island, Tokunoshima Island, and Iriomoto Island, to the UNESCO's World Heritage List. The Okinawa Environmental Justice Project (OEJP) takes UNESCO’s decision with a mixture of welcome, regret, and new determination.
OEJP welcomes UNESCO's decision because OEJP and other civil society groups have made efforts to have the Yambaru forest inscribed as a WNH site. In these efforts, we managed to direct the attention of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) to the issues of the U.S. military's Northern Training Area and the "returned land" (former NTA) in the then-nominated site. As a result, the Japanese Ministry of the Environment's 2019 Nomination Document (p.242-3) presented mechanisms of addressing issues emerging from the NTA and "returned land."
OEJP regrets that UNESCO's inscription document does not include language to address the issues of the NTA and the "returned land" (former NTA). These issues are too important not to be mentioned in the inscription document.
OEJP is determined to bring these issues again to the IUCN and UNESCO when the Japanese government submits a report on the implementation of "immediate steps to improve the protection and management of the property" by December 2022.
The inscription of the Yambaru forest as a World Natural Heritage site has placed the Yambaru forest and the Northern Training Area under intensive international scrutiny. With local communities, environmental NGOs, and civil society groups, OEJP continues to collaborate with the IUCN and UNESCO and to call on the Japanese and U.S. governments to ensure that the Yambaru forest is worthy of World Heritage status.
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Environment Minister Koizumi Shinjiro delivers his thank you message Image Source: UNESCO World Heritage Committee |