With More UPDATE Information : Disturbing and Puzzling: Okinawa Prefectural Government's Washington D.C. Office Website Remains Silent on Governor Tamaki's Critical Decision

More update (March 30, 2022) (日本語は下です)
Thanks to your attention and support, we were able to get the Okinawa prefectural government to upload information regarding Governor Denny Tamaki's disapproval of the Okinawa Defense Bureau's application for changes in the design and work of Henoko base construction on its Washington D.C. office's website.
We still don't know and are puzzled why it took the prefectural government such a long time.

Anyway this is a critical tool to challenge and stop the Henoko base construction project.
Share and spread the information!

Hideki Yoshikawa

Update information March 25, 2022
I am happy to update my last post with a positive note.

In my last post, I raised concerns about the lack of information on the Okinawa Prefectural Government Washington D.C. Office’s website about Governor Denny Tamaki’s decision to reject the Okinawa Defense’s application for changes in the design and work of the U.S. military base at Henoko-Oura Bay.

Today, one of my friends/colleagues in the U.S. wrote to me that Governor Tamaki sent a letter to U.S. Congress members last month, informing his decision to reject the application. My friend and other members of his organization are now helping the prefectural government contact Congress members.

I feel relieved (though I am still puzzled why there is no information on the website). Let’s hope that the Washington D.C. Office will upload Governor’s letter on its website soon.

Hideki Yoshikawa

Below is the original post. (March 24, 2022)
We have a disturbing and puzzling situation. On the website of the Okinawa prefectural government's Washington D.C. Office, as of March 24, we do not see any statement or document regarding Okinawa Governor Denny Tamaki's decision to reject the Okinawa Defense Bureau's application for seafloor reinforcement work for the U.S. military base construction at Henoko-Oura Bay. Governor Tamaki made this critical legal and political decision in November 2021; it has been four months since then.

His decision is significant for the fate of this controversial base construction project and for the future of the relationship between Okinawa, Japan, and the U.S. It has received tremendous public support from across Japan and beyond.

So, it is logical to expect that Governor's decision should be presented to the U.S. government (DoD, Congress members, etc.) in a formal statement and accompanying documents in English. After all, this is about the U.S. military's base. It is also logical to expect that such documents should be uploaded on the prefectural government D.C office's website. One of the stated functions of the D.C. office is "to disseminate information about Okinawa's situation." And the prefectural government and Okinawa need understanding and support from the U.S. society and the international civil society.

Of course, on the prefectural government's main website (Japanese), you can read Governor Tamaki's statements on his decision to reject the Defense Bureau's application. You can also read documents explaining Governor Tamaki's decision in both legal and scientific terms. As the Defense Bureau took Governor's rejection to the Ministry of Land Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism under the Administrative Complaints Review Act in December 2021, the Okinawa Prefectural Government and the Japanese Government have been at each other again, surely heading toward a lengthy court battle. This makes it even more disturbing and puzzling that there is no information about the Governor's decision on the D.C. office's website. We don't even know whether Governor Tamaki has sent an official letter to the U. S. government to inform of his decision.

WHY is it? Does the Okinawa Prefectural Government think the media and the civil society do the job for them? Or is thIs there some force at work in the prefectural government's Washington D.C. office, preventing Governor's decision from being officially made known in English to the U.S. government and the U.S. and international societies?

Given the likelihood of the Japanese government feeding its own version of information on the fragile seafloor to the U.S. government, the prefectural government needs to get its act straight as soon as possible. Governor Tamaki needs to send a statement and all the necessary information to the U.S. government and the Washington Office need to upload them on its website. Also, the Okinawa media and Prefectural Assembly members need to find out who or what is behind this disturbing and puzzling situation.

Hideki Yoshikawa

Governor Denny Tamaki receives over 50,000 signatures supporting his decision
Image Source: QAB Asahi

最新アップデートです (2022年3月30日)


拡散していきましょう。 日本政府は相変わらずの強行姿勢ですが、こちらも体制を整えて、辺野古基地建設を止めるたに動いていきましょう。










しかしそれだけでは決して十分ではないはずだ。米国政府や国際社会に対して、県の公式文書(英文)をもって 1) 玉城デニー知事の「不承認」の判断やその詳細を説明すること、2)声明や説明をホームページ等で拡散し、知事の不承認の理解と支援を米国内や国際社会にも求めること。これらは、新基地建設を止めるために不可欠な手法でであり、県が責任をもって行うべきことだ。この4ヶ月間、県の担当は何をやってきたのか。(なぜできてないのか???)




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