Comments on the Article "Trajectory to local extinction of an isolated dugong population near Okinawa Island" ジュゴン絶滅論文へのコメント


In April this year, the article "Trajectory to local extinction of an isolated dugong population near Okinawa Island" was published in Scientific Reports. The article is a revised version of the article "Local extinction of an isolated dugong population near Okinawa Island," submitted to Scientific Reports and uploaded to the Research Square site for comments in April 2021. Five Japanese scholars wrote it, and four of them have a close relationship with the construction of a U.S. military base at Henoko-Oura Bay. 

While I appreciate that the authors have incorporated into the revised version the references that I had suggested for inclusion in my comments on the original version, I find that the revised version is still peculiar in many respects. 

So, like I did with their original article, I have submitted my comments on the revised version to Scientific Reports. 

Let's see how Scientific Reports and the authors react to my comments.

Hideki Yoshikawa
Okinawa Environmental Justice Project

今年の4月、Trajectory to local extinction of an isolated dugong population near Okinawa Island という論文がScientific Reportsに掲載された。この論文は昨年4月に投稿された"Local extinction of an isolated dugong population near Okinawa Island"という論文の修正版になる。5人の著者のうち4人が辺野古新基地建設計画に環境監視等委員会として関わっている。(ただしその4人のうち1人は現在は環境監視等委員会のメンバーではない)


そこでまた以下のコメントをScientific Reportsに提出した。(英語版のみですみません)

Okinawa Environmental Justice Project


World Heritage Watch Report 2024が発行 世界自然遺産やんばるの森と米軍北部訓練場

プレス・リリース:オランダ軍、英国軍へ情報公開請求 世界自然遺産やんばるの森と米軍北部訓練場