Support the Project!

The Okinawa Environmental Justice Project is a volunteer-based project.  We have been carrying out research and advocacy activities mostly by using our spare time, energy, and financial resources.

As we take on more difficult challenges, we are hoping to get more support from people like you. If you think our Project is worth your support, please consider the following.

1. Telling about the Project to your friends and colleagues.
The more people know about the U.S. base related environmental problems in Okinawa and about our project, the better our chances to protect Okinawa's environment.

2.Donating to the Project
Monetary donations are welcome.
Information on how to donate will be provided soon.


World Heritage Watch Report 2024が発行 世界自然遺産やんばるの森と米軍北部訓練場

プレス・リリース:オランダ軍、英国軍へ情報公開請求 世界自然遺産やんばるの森と米軍北部訓練場