A Note on the Nago Mayoral Election/名護市長選挙を振り返って


Disappointing Result: Kishimoto Yohei Defeated by Toguchi Taketoyo
On January 23, 2022, in a closely watched Nago mayoral election, the incumbent mayor Toguchi Taketoyo defeated Kishimoto Kohei (former Nago city assembly representative). With a 68 percent voter turnout rate, Toguchi gathered 19,524 votes, while Kishimoto gained 14,439 votes. Toguchi has secured his second term in the Nago mayor's office. 

As a Nago citizen and an environment NGO member, I was disappointed with the result and surprised by the wide margin. 

Kishimoto Yohei and his supporters wait election result

I rooted for Kishimoto because, among other things, he showed his firm stance against the construction of a U.S. military at Henoko-Oura Bay on the city's east coast as the replacement facility for Futenma Air Station in Ginowan City. In contrast, Toguchi took a mimamoru (見守る) stance: He would "keep his eyes" on how the dispute over the Henoko issue between the Okinawa prefectural government and the Japanese government would be resolved in court. In other words, as he did during the last 4 years as Nago mayor, he remained silent on the issue during this election. The Henoko issue has affected the lives of the citizens of Nago City for the last 25 years and will continue to do so in the foreseeable future. It was my firm belief that candidates for Nago mayor should address the issue head-on, whether for or against it. Silence favors the Japanese government.

Why Toguchi Prevailed
I understand why Toguchi prevailed, however. First, over the last 25 years, Nago citizens have experienced and witnessed how the Japanese government can crush democratic voice expressed in elections and referendums against the Henoko plan. The oppression started in 1997 when, under pressure from the Japanese government, then Nago mayor Higa Tetsuya accepted the government's proposal to build a base on the east coast of Nago, overturning the result of the Nago city referendum. The permeating fatalistic view, "we cannot do much about Henoko," was the backdrop against which Nago elections, including this one, have been held.  

Second, Toguchi's election promises, such as free school lunch and free medical care for children, were more convincing than those of Kishimoto's. Except for their positions on the Henoko issue; the two candidates' election promises were very similar. However, Toguchi's promises had the strong backing of the Japanese government. Indeed, during Toguchi's first four years as Nago mayor, the Japanese government provided financial support for his policies (for his silence on the Henoko issue). Toguchi talked about his achievements, while Kishimoto talked about promises and hopes.

Third, Toguchi's election campaign was well organized and well run, backed up by the Japanese government and LDP and Komeito campaigners. His campaigners were able to visit local businesses and homes, securing votes even before Kishimoto's campaign started. Also, many voters quickly noticed that the quality of paper used in Toguchi's campaign flyers was much better than those of Kishimoto's flyers, telling of the monetary power of Toguchi's campaign. 

Toguchi's election campaign flyer

Finally, Toguchi kept his silence on the Henoko issue. For many who oppose the construction, his silence was equivalent to relinquishing the mayor's responsibility, especially regarding local self-governance. However, for many Nago voters, Toguchi's mimamoru stance provided an ironic space of vindication. They could vote for Toguchi for his promises of free school lunch and free medical care for children but still opposed the Henoko base construction. They could claim that their votes for Toguchi did not mean their approval for the base construction since Toguchi remained silent on the issue. They could insist that the Nago mayoral election was not where the base issue was discussed. Indeed, according to a NHK exit poll, 65 percent of the Nago citizens who casted their votes opposed the Henoko base construction. In other words, 39 percent of the voters who favored Toguchi opposed the Henoko base construction. Nonetheless, Toguchi's mimamoru strategy worked well to bring him a victory. 

Moving Forward
As expected, some LDP members quickly equated Toguchi's victory to the Nago people's approval of the Henoko base construction. However, Toguchi knows well that he won in part by not declaring his position on the Henoko issue. He has to wait for other parts of the Japanese government's scenario "the Henoko is the only solution for Futenma" to be played out before he could move on to declare his support for the construction. 

Nago citizens are desperately seeking an arena where the issue of Henoko base construction can be brought up and examined on the principles of democracy, justice, rule of law, genuine security, and environmental protection. Many are convinced that there is accumulating evidence that the Japanese government's mantra "Henoko is the only solution" cannot hold. The presence of fragile seafloor found at the construction site has pushed the completion of base construction to 2030s at the earliest, and it has cast serious doubt on the feasibility of the construction plan. The construction work has already created environmental tragedies. The continuing and immediate dangers of Futenma, such as falling objects from aircraft, PFAS/PFOS contaminated land and water, and thunderous noise from aircraft day and night, all indicate that Futenma is a ticking time bomb. In other words, Futenma cannot wait for Henoko.

As a Nago citizen and an environment NGO member, I am determined. Together with other Nago citizens and civil society members worldwide, we keep taking the Henoko issue to the international society and there we continue our fight fair and square and win.

Hideki Yoshikawa
Okinawa Environmental Justice Project


2022年1月23日、注目された名護市長選挙において、現職の渡具地武豊氏が新人の岸本洋平氏(前名護市議会議員)を破り当選した。投票率は68.32 パーセントで、渡具地氏が19.524票、岸本氏が14,439票を集めた。これで渡具地氏は名護市長として二期目を勤めることになる。



渡具地氏の勝利の理由を私は以下のように理解している。 第一の理由は、選挙や住民投票で示されてきた辺野古新基地建設反対の民意を日本政府がいかに無視し、そして潰してきたかを名護市民は身を持って経験してきことだ。政府の圧力は1997年に始まった。名護市東海岸への普天間の建設計画について市民が住民投票で示した反対の民意を、日本政府の圧力の下、当時の比嘉鉄也市長が覆し、政府の計画を受け入れた。これまでの選挙同様、今回の市長選挙も「辺野古について市民ができることはない」という諦めの態度を背景に行われた。







Okinawa Environmental Justice Project
代表 吉川秀樹


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