Connecting the Green Dots to Protect Okinawa's Environment

Happy New Year!

On January 1, 2022、I went to the Setake beach and saw the sabani sailboat "Kibo no Umi (Hope Spot) against the backdrop of large construction ships in Oura Bay. My friend Takuma Higashionna salvaged an old abandoned sabani boat and renovated it to commemorate the designation of the Henoko-Oura Bay Coastal Water as a Hope Spot. 

Very symbolic, I thought. These construction ships are enormous and overwhelming, and this sabani sailboat is so tinny in comparison. But the Kibo no Umi is supported by the vast oceans and people worldwide who wanted to protect them.

Greenpeace sent the iconic Rainbow Warrior to Okinawa in protest against Henoko base construction in 2015. Mission Blue designated the Henoko-Oura Bay area as Japan's first Hope Spot in 2019.  U.S., Japanese, and Okinawan NGOs and individuals fought hard and long the "Dugong vs. U.S. Department of Defense" in the U.S. court from 2003 to 2020. The International Union for Conservation of Nature and the U.S. Marine Mammal Commission have supported and continue to support our effort to protect the Okinawa Dugong. And more...

The more effort we put in, the more international support we can garner. Why, three reasons. 1) The rich biodiversity of Henoko-Oura Bay is a world treasure, and it should be protected. 2) Building a military base in this environment is just absurd. 3) No one believes the Japanese government's claim that building a base does not impact the environment. 

In 2022, we will continue our project, connecting the green dots in international civil society to protect Okinawa's environment.

Hideki Yoshikawa
Okinawa Environmental Justice Project



2015年には辺野古新基地建設の中止を求めてグリーンピースが沖縄へ「虹の戦士号」を派遣。2019年にはMission Blueが辺野古・大浦湾一帯の「ホープスポット」に認定。2003年から2020年は米国、日本、沖縄のNGOや市民が協力し「ジュゴン訴訟」を闘い抜いた。そして国際自然保護連合(IUCN)や米国海洋哺乳類委員会は沖縄ジュゴン保護を支援し続けている。

自分たちが頑張った分だけ国際社会は動いてくれたと思う。その理由。1) 辺野古・大浦湾の生物多様性は世界的価値をもち、守られるべきである。 2)そこに軍事基地を造る計画自体そもそもありえない 。3) 基地を造っても「環境に影響がない」とする日本政府の欺瞞を誰もが知っている。

Connecting the Green Dots to Protect Okinawa’s Environment! 

Okinawa Environmental Justice Project
代表 吉川秀樹

Oura Bay under Cloudy Skies on Jan. 1, 2020


World Heritage Watch Report 2024が発行 世界自然遺産やんばるの森と米軍北部訓練場

プレス・リリース:オランダ軍、英国軍へ情報公開請求 世界自然遺産やんばるの森と米軍北部訓練場