World Heritage Watch Report 2022 Gains Media's Attention and Its Special Meanings to Okinawa/ WHW Reports 2022にメディアが注目、沖縄にとっての意義とは

Media's Attention to the World Heritage Watch Report 2022
On November 8, 2022, the World Heritage Watch Report 2022 made the headline of The Ryukyu Shimpo, a leading newspaper in Okinawa, Japan. Our report, “The Northern Part of Okinawa Island under the Impact of the U.S. Military’s Northern Training Area,” is introduced in an article by The Ryukyu Shimpo reporter Shugo Asato.  The 47 NEWS, a newsfeed network based in mainland Japan, has picked up and distributed the Shimpo article. 

Image Source: The Ryukyu Shimpo

The Ryukyu Shimpo also ran an editorial explaining the context in which our report was produced. It calls for cleaning up the U.S. military’s waste in the World Heritage site and stopping environmentally damaging military exercises and the Henoko base construction. 


The Ryukyu Broadcasting Corporation (RBC) also aired a news report on the WHW Report 2022, showing an interview clip of Akino Miyagi, one of the authors of our report. 


Last week, The Okinawa Times also ran an article on the WHW Report 2022. We are thankful for the media’s attention, and their attention is critical to solving these issues.


The WHW Report 2022 and Okinawa: Special Meaning

We believe the WHW Report 2022 has a special meaning for Okinawa. Not only because our report was included in it, but also because it discusses the war in Ukraine in its “Preface” and “Special Report: World Heritage Sites Damaged by War in Ukraine.” 


They urge those of us in Okinawa to think about the War in Ukraine in relation to the Battle of Okinawa and the ongoing further militarization of Okinawa by the U.S military and the Japanese Self-Defense Forces. They encourage us to revisit why the UNESCO World Heritage Convention was created in the first place. And they also ask us, residents of Okinawa with two World Heritage sites, to make the best use of the Convention and our World Heritage sites to help create a peaceful world. 


We are proud and thankful that we are part of the WHW Report 2022. 



Here are excerpts from the Constitution of the UNESCO

“That since wars begin in the minds of men, it is in the minds of men that the defences of peace must be constructed;”

"That the great and terrible war which has now ended was a war made possible by the denial of the democratic principles of the dignity, equality and mutual respect of men, and by the propagation, in their place, through ignorance and prejudice, of the doctrine of the inequality of men and races;" 


"That a peace based exclusively upon the political and economic arrangements of governments would not be a peace which could secure the unanimous, lasting and sincere support of the peoples of the world, and that the peace must therefore be founded, if it is not to fail, upon the intellectual and moral solidarity of mankind."


"In consequence whereof they do hereby create the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization for the purpose of advancing, through the educational and scientific and cultural relations of the peoples of the world, the objectives of international peace and of the common welfare of mankind for which the United Nations Organization was established and which its Charter proclaims." 



メディアがWHW Report 2022を注目

11月8日の琉球新報で、安里周吾記者World Heritage Watch Report 2022(報告書)を取り上げてくれました。しかも一面トップ。記事では私たちの報告“The Northern Part of Okinawa Island under the Impact of the U.S. Military’s Northern Training Area”について紹介しています。そして安里記者の記事は47NEWSでも全国配信されています。

Image Source: The Ryukyu Shimpo

また琉球新報は社説でもWHW Report 2022を取り上げ、その重要性と今回の私たちの報告が作成されえた背景を説明。そして「最大の環境保全策は登録地域と隣り合わせの米軍施設の全面返還であり、訓練や新基地建設(辺野古新基地)の中止だ」としています。


琉球放送もWHW Report 2022を取り上げてくれて, 私たちの報告の作成者の一人である宮城秋乃さんにインタビューをしてくれました。




WHW Report 2022と沖縄:その意義

The WHW Report 2022は沖縄にとって非常に重要な意義を持っていると考えています。それは私たちの報告が掲載されたということだけではなく、”Preface(序論)”と“Special Report: World Heritage Sites Damaged by War in Ukraine(特別報告:戦争により被害を受けたウクライナの世界遺産)で、ロシアの侵攻、ウクライナでの戦争が取り上げられているからです。




私たちは、WHW Report 2022に関われたことに、誇りと感謝の気持ちを持っています。













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